Thanks for checking out the Custom Jewelry Work!
A few Custom Jewelry Projects presented by one Rapid City Jeweler.
I haven’t been as diligent as I should be about photographing my own work but here is a small sampling of some of the Custom Jewelry work that I have done here custom jewelry in Rapid City. In no particular custom jewelry order.

Thank you Jennifer!

Customers Pink Druzy set in Sterling with Rose Gold accents. Like Mother like Daughter! 2018
Thanks again Stephanie!
Western style Wedding Band Handmade from 4 pieces of 10k white gold. That’s my Buddy John’s Brand in the Center. 2012?
Thanks John and Donna!
14k Yellow and White Gold his and hers bands. White and Blue Diamonds. 2012?
Thanks Brenda!

Thank you Brad!

Thank You Martha!
A handmade replica of an ancient Navajo dragonfly design for one of my favorite customers. 2018
Thank You Joe!
Here is a Tee Pee Canyon Agate that I bought from my buddy Mike Joebgen,who found and cut the stone. I don’t know why I, but I dubbed it “The Italian” & the pendant I made from Mike’s stone sold almost immediately! 2014
Another one of Mike’s Tee Pee Canyon Agates. 2014
Thank You Mike!
THE COOLEST MARTINI STICKS EVER!… I bought these Tee Pee Canyon agates from my Buddy JR Krogstad, who found and cut them. Custom jewelry shop in Rapid City, Then I met Mary who was looking for the right person to make the coolest martini sticks ever. I love using my talent to make out of the ordinary creations. This was a fun project! 2018
Thank You Mary and JR!
And speaking of JR, here is the ring I made for him using another one of the stones he cut, This time a Fairburn. 2018
Thanks again JR!

Thank You Gregg!

Have been a Jewelry Maker in Rapid City for 30 + years & have been enjoying repairing and making Custom Jewelry for clients, mostly by hand. Preparing to add to my skills with CAD jewelry design(I have been putting it off for years). Custom Jewelry place in Rapid City. Even after I learn the techy side of jewelry design, I know I will still enjoy making custom jewelry mostly by hand.
Thanks again for looking,
Chuck Cressy
Charles R Goldsmith & Company & Independent Goldsmiths